I have offically jumped out of the middle ages and landed in the world of blogging. It seems to be a very nice world, and has opened up endless opportunities for procrastination and public bad spelling.
Principally, I am going to write about the final stages of editing my collection of short stories The War Tour, to be published soonish with Comma Press. I imagine my blog will be extremely dull and read like an academic critical commentary. This is because I have spent many years in academia and I don't know how to do anything else.
Anyway, after some insightful and encouraging feedback from a workshop this weekend with five wonderful writers, I'm trying to develop my story about Rosa Luxemburg. Up to now, the story is very much about her as a public figure and revolutionary. It focuses on the last few months of her life (the structure is influenced by Alice Munro's story 'Too Much Happiness'), but hasn't quite brought out her inner life. And indeed, what am I trying to say about Rosa Luxumburg? What is the crux of the story?